Lit components receive input and store their state as JavaScript class fields or properties. Reactive properties are properties that can trigger the reactive update cycle when changed, re-rendering the component, and optionally be read or written to attributes.
classMyElementextendsLitElement {
name?: string;
classMyElementextendsLitElement {
staticproperties = {
name: {},
Lit manages your reactive properties and their corresponding attributes. In particular:
Reactive updates. Lit generates a getter/setter pair for each reactive property. When a reactive property changes, the component schedules an update.
Attribute handling. By default, Lit sets up an observed attribute corresponding to the property, and updates the property when the attribute changes. Property values can also, optionally, be reflected back to the attribute.
Superclass properties. Lit automatically applies property options declared by a superclass. You don't need to redeclare properties unless you want to change options.
Element upgrade. If a Lit component is defined after the element is already in the DOM, Lit handles upgrade logic, ensuring that any properties set on an element before it was upgraded trigger the correct reactive side effects when the element upgrades.
Public properties are part of the component's public API. In general, public properties—especially public reactive properties—should be treated as input.
The component shouldn't change its own public properties, except in response to user input. For example, a menu component might have a public selected property that can be initialized to a given value by the owner of the element, but that is updated by the component itself when the user selects an item. In these instances, the component should dispatch an event to indicate to the component's owner that the selected property changed. See Dispatching events for more details.
Lit also supports internal reactive state. Internal reactive state refers to reactive properties that aren't part of the component's API. These properties don't have a corresponding attribute, and are typically marked protected or private in TypeScript.
staticproperties= {
_counter: {state: true}
constructor() {
The component manipulates its own internal reactive state. In some cases, internal reactive state may be initialized from public properties—for example, if there is an expensive transformation between the user-visible property and the internal state.
As with public reactive properties, updating internal reactive state triggers an update cycle. For more information, see Internal reactive state.
Use the @property decorator with a class field declaration to declare a reactive property.
classMyElementextendsLitElement {
@property({type: String})
mode?: string;
@property({attribute: false})
data= {};
The argument to the @property decorators is an options object. Omitting the argument is equivalent to specifying the default value for all options.
Using decorators. Decorators are a proposed JavaScript feature, so you'll need to use a compiler like Babel or the TypeScript compiler to use decorators. See Enabling decorators for details.
Declaring properties in a static properties class field
Class fields have a problematic interaction with reactive properties. Class fields are defined on the element instance whereas reactive properties are defined as accessors on the element prototype. According to the rules of JavaScript, an instance property takes precedence over and effectively hides a prototype property. This means that reactive property accessors do not function when class fields are used such that setting the property won't trigger an element update.
classMyElementextendsLitElement {
staticproperties = {foo: {type: String}}
foo='Default'; // ❌ this will make `foo` not reactive
In JavaScript, you must not use class fields when declaring reactive properties. Instead, properties must be either initialized in the element constructor or set with the defaultValue option:
The options object can have the following properties:
Whether the property is associated with an attribute, or a custom name for the associated attribute. Default: true. If attribute is false, the converter, reflect and type options are ignored. For more information, see Setting the attribute name.
When set, the property is initialized to this value and if the reflect option is true, the initial default value does not reflect. Subsequent changes to the property will reflect, even if they are equal to the default value.
Avoid setting both a default value and defining a field initializer or setting the property in the constructor or connectedCallback.
A function called whenever the property is set to determine if the property has changed, and should trigger an update. If unspecified, LitElement uses a strict inequality check (newValue !== oldValue) to determine whether the property value has changed. For more information, see Customizing change detection.
Whether property value is reflected back to the associated attribute. Default: false. For more information, see Enabling attribute reflection.
Set to true to declare the property as internal reactive state. Internal reactive state triggers updates like public reactive properties, but Lit doesn't generate an attribute for it, and users shouldn't access it from outside the component. Equivalent to using the @state decorator. Default: false. For more information, see Internal reactive state.
When converting a string-valued attribute into a property, Lit's default attribute converter will parse the string into the type given, and vice-versa when reflecting a property to an attribute. If converter is set, this field is passed to the converter. If type is unspecified, the default converter treats it as type: String. See Using the default converter.
When using TypeScript, this field should generally match the TypeScript type declared for the field. However, the type option is used by the Lit's runtime for string serialization/deserialization, and should not be confused with a type-checking mechanism.
Omitting the options object or specifying an empty options object is equivalent to specifying the default value for all options.
Internal reactive state refers to reactive properties that are not part of the component's public API. These state properties don't have corresponding attributes, and aren't intended to be used from outside the component. Internal reactive state should be set by the component itself.
Use the @state decorator to declare internal reactive state:
Using the static properties class field, you can declare internal reactive state by using the state: true option.
staticproperties= {
_active: {state: true}
constructor() {
Internal reactive state shouldn't be referenced from outside the component. In TypeScript, these properties should be marked as private or protected. We also recommend using a convention like a leading underscore (_) to identify private or protected properties for JavaScript users.
Internal reactive state works just like public reactive properties, except that there is no attribute associated with the property. The only option you can specify for internal reactive state is the hasChanged function.
The @state decorator can also serve as a hint to a code minifier that the property name can be changed during minification.
A property change can trigger a reactive update cycle, which causes the component to re-render its template.
When a property changes, the following sequence occurs:
The property's setter is called.
The setter calls the component's requestUpdate method.
The property's old and new values are compared.
By default Lit uses a strict inequality test to determine if the value has changed (that is newValue !== oldValue).
If the property has a hasChanged function, it's called with the property's old and new values.
If the property change is detected, an update is scheduled asynchronously. If an update is already scheduled, only a single update is executed.
The component's update method is called, reflecting changed properties to attributes and re-rendering the component's templates.
Note that if you mutate an object or array property, it won't trigger an update, because the object itself hasn't changed. For more information, see Mutating object and array properties.
There are many ways to hook into and modify the reactive update cycle. For more information, see Reactive update cycle.
Mutating an object or array doesn't change the object reference, so it won't trigger an update. You can handle object and array properties in one of two ways:
Immutable data pattern. Treat objects and arrays as immutable. For example, to remove an item from myArray, construct a new array:
While this example is simple, it's often helpful to use a library like Immer to manage immutable data. This can help avoid tricky boilerplate code when setting deeply nested objects.
Manually triggering an update. Mutate the data and call requestUpdate() to trigger an update directly. For example:
this.myArray.splice(indexToRemove, 1);
When called with no arguments, requestUpdate() schedules an update, without calling a hasChanged() function. But note that requestUpdate() only causes the current component to update. That is, if a component uses the code shown above, and the component passes this.myArray to a subcomponent, the subcomponent will detect that the array reference hasn't changed, so it won't update.
In general, using top-down data flow with immutable objects is best for most applications. It ensures that every component that needs to render a new value does (and does so as efficiently as possible, since parts of the data tree that didn't change won't cause components that rely on them to update).
Mutating data directly and calling requestUpdate() should be considered an advanced use case. In this case, you (or some other system) need to identify all the components that use the mutated data and call requestUpdate() on each one. When those components are spread across an application, this gets hard to manage. Not doing so robustly means that you might modify an object that's rendered in two parts of your application, but only have one part update.
In simple cases, when you know that a given piece of data is only used in a single component, it should be safe to mutate the data and call requestUpdate(), if you prefer.
While properties are great for receiving JavaScript data as input, attributes are the standard way HTML allows configuring elements from markup, without needing to use JavaScript to set properties. Providing both a property and attribute interface for their reactive properties is a key way Lit components can be useful in a wide variety of environments, including those rendered without a client-side templating engine, such as static HTML pages served from CMSs.
By default, Lit sets up an observed attribute corresponding to each public reactive property, and updates the property when the attribute changes. Property values can also, optionally, be reflected (written back to the attribute).
While element properties can be of any type, attributes are always strings. This impacts the observed attributes and reflected attributes of non-string properties:
To observe an attribute (set a property from an attribute), the attribute value must be converted from a string to match the property type.
To reflect an attribute (set an attribute from a property), the property value must be converted to a string.
Boolean properties that expose an attribute should default to false. For more information, see Boolean attributes.
By default, Lit creates a corresponding observed attribute for all public reactive properties. The name of the observed attribute is the property name, lowercased:
// observed attribute name is "myvalue"
@property({ type: Number })
// observed attribute name is "myvalue"
staticproperties= {
myValue: { type: Number },
constructor() {
To create an observed attribute with a different name, set attribute to a string:
// Observed attribute will be called my-name
@property({ attribute: 'my-name' })
// Observed attribute will be called my-name
staticproperties= {
myName: { attribute: 'my-name' },
constructor() {
To prevent an observed attribute from being created for a property, set attribute to false. The property will not be initialized from attributes in markup, and attribute changes won't affect it.
// No observed attribute for this property
@property({ attribute: false })
myData= {};
// No observed attribute for this property
staticproperties= {
myData: { attribute: false },
constructor() {
this.myData= {};
Internal reactive state never has an associated attribute.
An observed attribute can be used to provide an initial value for a property from markup. For example:
Lit has a default converter that handles String, Number, Boolean, Array, and Object property types.
To use the default converter, specify the type option in your property declaration:
// Use the default converter
@property({ type: Number })
// Use the default converter
staticproperties= {
count: { type: Number },
constructor() {
If you don't specify a type or a custom converter for a property, it behaves as if you'd specified type: String.
The tables below shows how the default converter handles conversion for each type.
From attribute to property
If the element has the corresponding attribute, set the property to the attribute value.
If the element has the corresponding attribute, set the property to Number(attributeValue).
If the element has the corresponding attribute, set the property to true. If not, set the property to false.
Object, Array
If the element has the corresponding attribute, set the property value to JSON.parse(attributeValue).
For any case except Boolean, if the element doesn't have the corresponding attribute, the property keeps its default value, or undefined if no default is set.
From property to attribute
String, Number
If property is defined and non-null, set the attribute to the property value. If property is null or undefined, remove the attribute.
If property is truthy, create the attribute and set its value to an empty string. If property is falsy, remove the attribute
Object, Array
If property is defined and non-null, set the attribute to JSON.stringify(propertyValue). If property is null or undefined, remove the attribute.
For a boolean property to be configurable from an attribute, it must default to false. If it defaults to true, you cannot set it to false from markup, since the presence of the attribute, with or without a value, equates to true. This is the standard behavior for attributes in the web platform.
If this behavior doesn't fit your use case, there are a couple of options:
Change the property name so it defaults to false. For example, the web platform uses the disabled attribute (defaults to false), not enabled.
Use a string-valued or number-valued attribute instead.
You can configure a property so that whenever it changes, its value is reflected to its corresponding attribute. Reflected attributes are useful because attributes are visible to CSS, and to DOM APIs like querySelector.
Note, if you set a defaultValue for the property, this value will not be initially reflected to the corresponding attribute. All subsequent changes will be reflected. This matches web platform behavior for attributes like id. For example, the default value of an element's id property is '' (an empty string) and initially it does not have an id attribute, but if the id property is set (even to an empty string), the appropirate id attribute is reflected.
For example:
// Value of property "active" will reflect to attribute "active"
active: {reflect: true}
// Value of property "variant" will reflect except that it will not
// be initialized to the default value of `normal`.
Attributes should generally be considered input to the element from its owner, rather than under control of the element itself, so reflecting properties to attributes should be done sparingly. It's necessary today for cases like styling and accessibility, but this is likely to change as the platform adds features like the :state pseudo selector and the Accessibility Object Model, which fill these gaps.
Reflecting properties of type object or array is not recommended. This can cause large objects to serialize to the DOM which can result in poor performance.
Lit tracks reflection state during updates. You may have realized that if property changes are reflected to an attribute and attribute changes update the property, it has the potential to create an infinite loop. However, Lit tracks when properties and attributes are set specifically to prevent this from happening
To specify how getting and setting works for a property, you can define your own getter/setter pair. For example:
setprop(val: number) {
getprop() { returnthis._prop; }
staticproperties= {
prop: {},
setprop(val) {
getprop() { returnthis._prop; }
To use custom property accessors with the @property or @state decorators, put the decorator on the setter, as shown above. @property or @state decorated setters call requestUpdate().
In most cases, you do not need to create custom property accessors. To compute values from existing properties, we recommend using the willUpdate callback, which allows you to set values during the update cycle without triggering an additional update. To perform a custom action after the element updates, we recommend using the updated callback. A custom setter can be used in rare cases when it's important to synchronously validate any value the user sets.
If your class defines its own accessors for a property, Lit will not overwrite them with generated accessors. If your class does not define accessors for a property, Lit will generate them, even if a superclass has defined the property or accessors.
In rare cases, a subclass may need to change or add property options for a property that exists on its superclass.
To prevent Lit from generating a property accessor that overwrites the superclass's defined accessor, set noAccessor to true in the property declaration:
staticproperties= {
myProp: { type: Number, noAccessor: true }
You don't need to set noAccessor when defining your own accessors.
All reactive properties have a function, hasChanged(), which is called when the property is set.
hasChanged compares the property's old and new values, and evaluates whether or not the property has changed. If hasChanged() returns true, Lit starts an element update if one is not already scheduled. For more information on updates, see Reactive update cycle .
The default implementation of hasChanged() uses a strict inequality comparison: hasChanged() returns true if newVal !== oldVal.
To customize hasChanged() for a property, specify it as a property option: